Thursday 2 May 2013

We are soft ... but thats OK

This morning Liza and I got up at 5.15am with full intention of meeting CM in town for a ride and a feed at the cafe.  As we got closer to the city the harder it rained.  In silence both Liza and I kept watching the wipers go faster and faster on the windscreen.  By the time we got to meet CM we had both decided riding didn't sound like much fun at all.

After some coaxing from CM we at least got out of the car, it did mean I had to give up my heated seat !!!.  In prior times I would have ridden, but it certainly was not appealing today ... so yup both Liza and I wished CM good luck with her ride, jumped back in the car and headed off.  Before we pulled out, CM came back with a change of mind ... but to her credit did text me later to say she decided to ride after all.  Go girl you are tough :)

In the meantime, we headed home where I cooked Liza scrambled eggs and we enjoyed a cooked sit down breakfast together .... I don't care if folks call me/us soft it was worth it :)


  1. S O F T ! ! ! ! !

  2. Super sooooft ....

  3. Hi Chris,
    Just had a quick read over your posts as I was wondering why you hadn't been posting ... not like you to be quiet LOL.
    I am 15 weeks pregnant so just in case you were wondering why you haven't seen me riding, running or swimming at Takapuna - no, I am not just being a lazy ass. I have been swimming indoors, doing yoga and loads of walking. I must admit I have been staring daggers of jealously at cyclists and runners as they whiz past me (Camp Mother included) - very frustrating going from 12 hours training a week to 'taking it easy' but people keep telling me it's not forever! I bought myself a new windtrainer so been doing my 'ghost rides' in the garage which is very boring but good for me and the baby. Making sure I don't push myself too hard following Coach Sue's instructions. Apart from feeling slightly frustrated with not being able to do my usual training the pregnancy is going well. No morning sickness at all, just feel more tired so someone upstairs must like me! My "morning sickness" early on just felt like hunger pains LOL. Baby due 4 November just in time for summer so I'll be back whizzing along Tamaki Drive with baby in tow before you know it as dying to get back into it. By the way, you look fabulous, fit, happy and healthy and looking forward to catching up at Sat morning training in the next couple of weeks - Kellie.

  4. Hey Kellie, this is awesome news!!! CONGRATS! Yes see you at training, must admit Im looking forward to a few more weekends at home :)
