Tuesday 23 April 2013

A new day

Sorry it has been a few days since my last post, the prior post had been in draft for sometime as I contemplated on whether to post it or not.

Liza and I had a great weekend in Raglan to celebrate our one year wedding anniversary Yay!, it was also an opportunity to review a budget.  Now last time we set a budget we blew it within 30mins by going out for dinner.  But this time WE are determined to stick with it.

Within our budgeting decisions, despite Liza already finding a way to pay for one of the operations, I decided that the personal benefits were insignificant to the other things we wanted to do in life and Im cool with that :) I mean its not like the excess skins inhibits anything I want to achieve!!!

And so begins a new day ... 

1 comment:

  1. WOW, lots going on for you guys - sorry its been such a tough time. However, very glad to see you are back blogging - I miss you when you don't keep us posted and those of us following you need to know the ups and downs so our love and thoughts can come your way. So lots of Luv from me. Caryn xx
