Monday 8 April 2013

Slowing down B4 the Wall

On Monday I joined Gusy for an easy 45min run.  We were both feeling it from the weekend activities. To bad Gusy didn't notice she had an "optional" rest day until after she had agreed to run, always gotta read the fine print :) Hehe.

When I got home my legs felt like they had done an Ironman, not sore - but fatigued.  In the back of my mind I keep coming back to what coach had said, "it will take 3 months for the body to fully recover from Ironman, you can continue to push along and may even feel good, but soon enough your body will have had enough and you will hit the wall".  Im feeling that wall was near! I had been cycling 4 times per week, with running and swimming on top.  So ... after a chat with coach I now have the next 2/3 days off from training, I even went for a "not so relaxing" massage with super massseur, Juls.

Day one of rest .... wide awake at 5am! Nice.  But was awesome to rollover and snuggle for another hour :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay - glad you are taking your coaches advice and getting in some rest - your body needs recovery as much as it needs exercise. Plus a bonus cuddle or two for me :)
